1. History behind Valentine's Day- All classes begin by watching this video then go down and follow the instructions for your class.

  2. Then read about Valentine's day and the science of love.  YES take notes!  That is how I know you did the work.
  3. Go down to Zoology if you are a zoology student and follow the instructions.
  4. Go down to Environmental if you are in environmental science.
  5. Make good use of your time and do not be on your cell phones!!!!

Serotonin and the science of Sex


Science of Love

How to make color changing Carnations- Capillary action!

Science of Love Webquest- La Ciencia del Amor.  

1.  First click on and read the following articles. 

The Science of Love

Love is an addiction

What happens to your brain when you are in love

2.  Now that you have your summaries you will make a Valentine's Day card using the information you have learned.   This Valentine's Day card should educate the recipient on What Valentine's Day is all about.  The card should be colorful, proper grammar and spelling, and with pictures.  You may use one of the computer programs to make your card as long as it is all your work and that includes the images used on it.  (No copy and paste images.  Use your own pictures or create something.)

1. En primer lugar, haga clic en y leer los siguiente artículos. Una vez que usted ha leído los artículos resumirlo en al menos 6 frases o en formato de nota en una página entera.

El amor, ¿cerebro o corazón?

2. Ahora que usted tiene sus resúmenes usted hará tarjeta del día de San Valentín con la información que has aprendido. Tarjeta del día de San Valentín debe educar al destinatario en qué día de San Valentín se trata. La tarjeta debe ser de colores, la gramática y la ortografía, y con imágenes. Usted puede utilizar uno de los programas de ordenador para hacer que su tarjeta siempre que es todo su trabajo y que incluye las imágenes que se utilizan en ella. (No copiar y pegar imágenes. Utiliza tus propias imágenes o crear algo.)

Your brain in love- Graphic


 Valentine's Day assignment   (click to the left)  Environmental Science- You have the computers for the research required. Click on the link and read the instructions.  


Zoology - 

Read below and follow the instructions.

students are to find the most bizarre mating ritual in the animal world and make a mini poster for it.  Once you pick an animal let your classmates know so we have no repeats.  There is a helpful link on the bottom of the zoology page.  : ).  The information included should be; mating ritual, information about differences in the sexes, where the animal is found, its classification, and information about babies.  Make sure you site your sources.  

We will share our info in a speed date format.  

Videos- Watch the below videos and take notes on them.  Take notes on 2 articles and listen to a podcast.

5 Animals mthat love to kiss and why

These Weird Animal Courtship Displays Are Probably Better Than Your Valentine’s Day Plans


11 Animals that Mate for Life

Top 10 bizarre mating rituals 

Do Animals Show love? re- do link

The Brain in Love- Video TED

 Some sites to use

 How love works

 Science of Love

 Time Mag- Chemistry of Love

 What the Bleep do we know

Podcasts to listen to

The science of love and whom we choose

What is love?