For your first assignment you are to write me a letter. 

At the top of the assignment should be your first and last name, class, period #, and date.

Begin your letter by Dear Ms. Chabi,

Answer the below questions.

1.  Based on your knowledge what is Biology the study of?

2.  What is your favorite outdoor thing to do?

3. What are you most hoping to learn about in this class?

4. What is your favorite thing about science class? If you could have the perfect lesson what would it look like?

5. Do you have any pets? Describe them.

6.  Tell me if you have any seating preference, allergies, life situations you would like to share so that I can better help you be successful in my class.

7. What do you expect/want from me as your teacher? How can I best help you?

8. Who is your favorite musician? 

9. What did you spend most of your summer doing?

10. Did you read any books over the summer? 

Future stuff.

Final Lab write up-  Your group will be given a potato.  Investigate and explain how the cells of the potato might be able to turn into a potato plant.  You are to take qualitative and quantitative data.  This is a full lab report done individually and counted as part of your final exam grade.  Due by May 23rd.  

Where do trees get their mass from?

The Element Song



Apple enzyme lab

The poisoners handbook

We will be doing some labs and watching some toxicology videos.  Here are the worksheets.

 Link for The Poisoners Handbook.


Perspective of size and scale

The helical model of the universe

Scale of the universe - power of tens

Get small

_Cells Alive Internet Lesson

Click on the link above that says cells alive .  Write out the answers on your own paper.  If it is a question write out the complete sentences, charts, drawings.  This is due by next Tuesday.



The rest of the year- Evolution

Anthropocene is the new epoch of humans- Read this article

The Evolution of life on Earth- Very short and succinct.  What are the main points here?

6 Animals that are rapidly Evolving- Mental Floss- Make a chart of the animals comparing their adaptations and what brought them about.

Hands on Activities Evolution

Plant evolution Webquest- Click and print.  The website is there for all the answers.

The Life of A. R. Wallace and Charles Darwin- Compare these 2 videos and what each man did.  Discuss their different theories and why we remember Charles instead of Alfred.


Essential Question:  How does ecology relate to the overall theme of biology?

November 17, 2015- Happy Friday- Remember Monday is a late start.  

How Wolves Change Rivers- Watch the video and summarize if you were absent. 

Tomorrow you will have a test on ecology.  

Today you will work on a graphing assignment.

Due tomorrow at the beginning of class: Wolf/moose article, germination lab, ecology packet

On the tracks of Wolves and Moose- Read and do the following
  1. Go through and number the paragraphs.
  2. As you are reading underline any unfamiliar words.
  3. As you are reading circle any words that you have learned so far.
  4. As you are reading annotate what you read in the margins of the article.  This can be as simple as several words emphasizing what is talked about.
  5. When done do a MELCON of the reading

Below is the assignment from Monday and Tuesday  

Go to the website below for Monday's assignment.  Click on the worksheet for the assignment but do not print it outWrite out the answers to the questions on your own paper using complete sentences.
Ecology Webquest - Click on the links on this page to answer the questions.
The link for prairie succession does not work so go to the link below and follow these alternate instructions.
  1. Take notes on the first screen.
  2. Go through the primary and secondary successions screens following the instructions and draw what you see on the screen.
  3. Take the quiz and put the answers you gave.


October 13, 2015

Finish up Zombie assignment. Print a copy and share with Ms. Chabi

Make sure you get your grade reports signed!

Antibiotic Resistance Article- Focus on how this is an example of evolution.

       1. Explain how antibiotics work.

       2. Differentiate between the 2 main types of germs and which antibiotics target.

       3. Discuss common mistakes patients make.

       4. Describe what is said about doctors prescribing these drugs.

       5. Summarize how this is an example of evolution and what you should do to prevent this happening to you.  (This should be a paragraph.)

Homeostasis and Zombies assignment.

CDC and Zombie preparedness

Through the wormhole video- Zombies
Worksheet for movie

Webquest - You and your partner have been hired by the CDC to save the world!

Begin by each person taking notes and making a chart like the one on the website.

READ the instructions!

The website is not working.  You should have information on the following in relation to your system and homeostasis.

1. What is homeostasis and the 5 things that maintains it.

2. How your system works and how it maintains homeostasis.

3. Describe and have pictures for the functions and main organs of your system.

4. How you can survive a zombie attack by attacking someone via your organ system.

5. Suggestions to defeat zombies.

Evolution of Emerging Diseases-  You have just been hired by the CDC 

emerging infectious disease podcasts cdc

How does an infectious disease spread?

Influ-venn-za: Who can catch which flu?


 Bioengineering Webquest - This is something you will be working in groups of 3.  You need to find at least 1 person you have not worked with  for this project.  The first 2 parts are individual though.  

Watch how gm foods are made Use this instead of the one on the site.  

On the Welcome page- Watch the 2 videos and summarize them.

On the Introduction page- Read through the questions because these are what you will be investigating for your project.  Next on the bottom of the page.  Go through the Explore: What's Coming for Dinner and explain what you did.  Next do the lab.

You will not be allowed to pick your groups on Wednesday unless you have the above finished.  I will be back on Wednesday to check this.  

 Human Genetics Disorder Project

Make sure you read all the instructions!!

This you may do with a partner and it is your responsibility to make sure that someone else does not have the same topic as you.  Points will be taken off if there are multiple presentations on the same topic.  You may do a Prezi or Powerpoint and these will be presented to the class.  Points will not be given until you present.  If 1 person is absent for part of the project you will then do the project individually.  This is meant to be collaborative so do not take turns doing the project.  Each person should be working the whole time.

Email me with any questions at

Dawn of de-extinction 

Book work:  Read and take notes on pages 204-210 and then do the review questions on page 210, numbers 1-7,9,10.

Today is Darwin Day.  Hopefully, you are done with your science fair documents becaue today you are to design a card using either Word or Google Docs to Charles Darwnin.  Make sure you thank him for all he has done for science and the study of evolution.  Below are some helpful sites for you to read.  Put plenty of Darwin information and pictures on your card to him. 


Darwin Day 2013: What you don't know about Charles Darwin


Darwin Evolution song


Video version of above article


International Darwin Day Foundation


WTF Evolution



Week of February 5, 2013 

You should also have turned in the DNA note project we began in class.  If you want to work on it because everything else is finished ask me to go get a book from class.

New: Your Environment, Your Epigenome.  Record observations from your daily life and make an epigenomic diagnosis using the back of the page as to how well you are doing.  If you forgot what the epigenome is then go here.  Make sure you describe how epigenetics works.  

Karyotyping Activity - Be the geneticist and follow the instructions.

PI:  Pedigree Investigator - Answer all questions throughout and take notes on what you do.  

Cloning in Focus Webquest

Begin with What is Cloning?

Tomorrow we will be using the computers again and I will make that a catch up/ ask Chabi about science fair day.  Use your time wisely!

Friday we will watch The Island.  : )


Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis Webquest Links.


Q's 1-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-11, Online Root Tip and Qs 12-13


Qs 1-10, 11-27 and Quiz, 28, 29

Here is a video on meiosis from Khan academy like the one we watched on mitosis. 

Here is a video on embryonic stem cells.

And cancer.  

November 16,2012

Mouse Party -  Use this site to do the worksheet given to you.  

Don't forget to finish The Magic Schoolbus Assignment and the 2 worksheets given to you.

October 24-25, 2012

Forks over Knives - Here is the website for the movie so you can check it out.  It has a lot of information about good nutrition.

Your assignment is to think of 5 questions based on your notes to research.  We will work on this both Wednesday and Thursday.  Make sure you take notes answering your questions thoroughly and site your sources.  

Make good use of your time.

October 16-18 th

Marvelous Molecule Madness - A Biochemistry Webquest

When you are finished then do this.

Research the following:  High Fructose Corn Syrup, Saturated and unsaturated fats

  Describe what they are and their relation to health.  Are they healthy for you?  Are there health concerns associated with them?  Write a 1 page paper describing them , make sure you site your sources.

Biology Syllabus 


First week: SLANT, brain, and intro to bio


Brain song - Pinky and the Brain




-  : )Brain awareness week 


Article on Natural Selection in Humans.


 Biomolecule Foldable Directions

1. Fold a sheet of paper in half vertically (like a hot dog).
2. Make 3 cuts up to the fold on one side of the paper to form 4 flaps.
3. Write the following on the flaps: Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid, Nucleic Acid
4. Under each flap put the following information:
  • Elements that make up molecule
  • Functions of molecule
  • Monomer or Building Block of molecule
  • Sketch of molecule
  • Examples of molecule
  • Test(s) used to detect molecule


Amazing Cells

 You should have finished your Build-A-Membrane activity with notes on what the heck it is.  After that notes on cell reproduction (my-toeses and binary fission) pages 154-160.  Your notes should have pictures.  On page 160 answer questions 1-3 on stem cells.  : )


Remember extra credit!  Fun

Make Shrinky Dink Cells