The month of January is named after the Roman god Janus of transitions or beginnings. He is one of the deities that represent liminal times.
Take notes as we go through the lesson and then you will be doing an assignment.
According to Teen Vogue the Tarot Card of 2025: Strength
The collective tarot card of the year is strength since 2024 is numerologically a number 8 year. We strive to create the life we desire by working hard, letting go of fear, and embracing our power. With determination, motivation, and inspiration, we can lead the life we dream of, not just for ourselves but also for the world. Regardless of the challenges that come our way, we confront them head-on and resolve conflicts that arise in our personal lives.
What does Doc Mike Evans have to say about resolutions?
- What does he say about resolutions and whether or not they work?
- How does the data support this?
- Describe what a reflective learner is.
- Why does success with small goals make sense?
- Did you make any resolutions? why or why not?
Remember you should always reflect on the new year as a way of moving forward .
- It is a time to reflect and make positive changes.
Links to some of my resolutions
- Defend my dissertation
- Work more on writing
- Work on my websites
- Continue to turn my yard into a permaculture garden.
- Relax more and appreciate me.
- Use my new sewing machine
- Travel
Your assignment will be to come up with 3 resolutions and a plan for successfully doing them.
By a plan I mean a weekly or monthly chart with goals and how to rate them and possible rewards for yourself.
- Humanitarian- What can you do to help your fellow man?
- Self improvement- How can you make yourself better?
- see below for the class you are in.
Look at Inspiration from animals
Environmental Science
3. You need to make a plan to save the planet in your own way. Be the change you wish to see. (M. Gandhi)
- For each link below take notes on what the site says.
- Find 2 sites of your own and write them down.
- Then narrow your resolution to 2-3 things you can do.
3. What can you do for animals?
- For each link below take notes on what the site says.
- Find 2 sites of your own and write them down.
- Then narrow your resolution to 2-3 things you can do.
- Catskill animal sanctuary
- If animals could make resolutions
- Come up with some of your own:donate, volunteer, spread the word about animals