Dundee-Crown High School / Homepage

Parasaurolophus is my favorite dinosaur. Which one is yours?

Welcome to Biology. This class is a college preparatory course. This means the level of expectations for you are high. In this class you will read, take notes, engage in activities and labs, and work cooperatively with your peers. To demonstrate your knowledge of concepts you will be expected to analyze data, write explanations, complete projects, and take examinations. 


In order to take responsibility of your own education and future it is important that you attend class regularly, ready to learn, with all the tools necessary including a notebook and writing utensil.



As this is considered you job and education is an important part of your future you will be expected to act professionally in the classroom. The classroom is a learning environment in which everyone should feel comfortable. This means that put downs, telling people to “shut up”, throwing things, swearing, and any other inappropriate social behaviors will not be tolerated. All school rules apply to the use of electronic equipment and will be enforced as needed. It is your job, to come to class, sit down, and begin work as soon as the bell rings. The weekly agenda will be updated weekly on the class Schoology page.

Binder or notebook

You will be expected to keep an organized binder or notebook for the class to keep assignments and notes in. There will be periodic notebook checks. All assignments and notes are to be kept in your binder.

Bonus Credit:

Each semester you may do the following for extra credit.

1. Read a biology article. Remember biology means the study of life so the article has to relate to biology in some way. Write a summary on the article and your opinion on the subject. This is worth up to 5 points and you may do 1 article per week.

2. Read a science related book. (I must approve the book before you read it.) Write a 1 page typed, or 2 page hand written review of the book. The review must describe what the book is about, whether you would recommend the book to someone else to read and why or why not. Whether you think the book is realistic. The book review is worth up to 30 points.

3. Watch a movie with a science concept in it and type or write a review on the movie describing the scientific aspects of the movie and whether or not they are realistic. The movie review is worth up to 15 points.

Biology pacing guide-  We will use this to guide what we will be learning.  
